Nitrous Oxide Sedation

It is achieved when the patient is breathing a mixture of oxygen O2 and nitrous oxide N2O (also known as nitrous oxide ), which causes a quick feeling of pleasant relaxation, this gas has also been called happy and laughing gas air.

The goal is to control fear and anxiety of the patient. The patient remains conscious at all times.
It is implemented by a small mask is applied to the patient's nose, the gases are mixed automatically by a machine precision and guarantee absolute . The patient should just breathe as normal through the nose to feel in a few minutes a pleasant feeling of relaxation that will allow you to receive dental treatment without fatigue or stress.

At the conclusion of the administration of the gas mixture effects disappear completely and quickly, so that you will be able to drive.

Sedación con Óxido Nitroso

INSURANCE PROCEDURE Nasal conscious sedation with nitrous oxide is considered the most secure, convenient and easy technique to apply in the dental office. ADVANTAGE

Nitrous oxide is inorganic inert, nonflammable, colorless, tasteless, with sweetish odor.
It acts as an analgesic depressing the central nervous system.
No depresses breathing.
It does not irritate the mucous membranes.
Produces cardiovascular disorders.


Patients with anxiety about dental treatment.
Cases increased vomiting reflex "arcades".
Invasive treatments of dental extraction type or implant surgery.
Dental treatment more than a filling in one session.
Annoying dental cleaning.
Periodontal treatments in which may not even be necessary to use local anesthetics.
Adults or children anxious, stressed, nervous, apprehensive or difficult.
Disabled patients.
The beneficial effects of oxygen make the treatment of nasal sedation are especially good in patients suffering from anemia, coagulation disorders, asthma, epilepsy and cardiovascular diseases (in the latter cases after consultation with your doctor).

What was once a bad time transforms it into a quick, efficient, quiet pleasant, comfortable and free from anxiety dental experience, without falling asleep or losing the perception of the environment, so that the operator may perform the treatment the patient accurately, and safe.

Subjective sensations include tingling of extremities, loss of sensation, lethargy (similar to a nap), indifference to the environment, general relaxation, wellness, buoyancy, lost track of elapsed time and slight amnesia.

The objective symptoms are that the patient is relaxed and comfortable, vital signs unchanged, intact vital reflexes, can remain open mouth, the throat effect (arches) is attenuated, and verbal communication is maintained.

Nitrous oxide increases the pain threshold, attenuates the feeling of discomfort with what a serene and peaceful state that completely eliminates anxiety is obtained.

The fear of going to the dentist may be more harmful to the oral cavity bacteria themselves, as they block the patient and does not allow you to go to the dentist, or when they do it for much more annoying than treatments that could have been if they had treated early.

You can replace local anesthetics in some procedures. When the analgesic effect of local anesthesia is necessary for the nasal sedation allows small punctures are not noticed, helping to eliminate the feeling of phobia / fear.

Nitrous oxide is slightly soluble gas in blood but rapidly penetrates the membranes of the human body, is dissolved within minutes in plasma and thus achieves the maximum concentration in the alveoli, as well, is eliminated very quickly after administration. It does not affect the respiratory system, and the circulatory system and metabolism. It acts almost exclusively in the central nervous system and its effects are anxiolytics and analgesics. Nor links with oral fluids or tissues to enjoy a low metabolism.

The induction time is estimated between 2 and 5 minutes in which the maximum effect is achieved, becoming the first almost immediate effects. The depth of sedation is achieved in stages, and the proper level is reached in a few minutes. The duration of effect is controllable.

The effects immediately cease upon cessation of gas administration, rapid and complete recovery. In two minutes the patient fails to notice any effect of sedation not condition the usual activity of the day.

rapid effect.
Quick removal.
No effect "hangover".
Controlled dose response effect.
Total patient safety and professional.
Easy to manage.
No specific monitoring.
Treatments in areas where the nasal mask is an impediment.

When the patient refuses administration.
Pregnancy (very important not to make it in the 1st quarter).
Upper respiratory tract infections.
COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease).
Patients with psychological / psychiatric problems.

It is an effective and safe method for large numbers of patients who are reduce stress and anxiety. In this sense it has been a boon for millions of patients worldwide (US use is routine in any dental clinic). The investment of anxiety for a state of tranquility and relaxation is very advisable for the patient and the professional.

In our clinic we were available to answer any questions or concerns about our novel process nationwide. We also hope that your treatment is framed in a climate of anxiety-free comfort.

With local anesthesia and intravenous sedation

In our clinic we have the cooperation of an anesthetist Dr Carlos Solano Perea Collegiate No. 111108631 for the patient who needs a sedation point , higher than the inhalation , during which the patient remains calm, quiet and sometimes dozing. This sedation is obtained by intra venous inoculation hypnotics and sleep inducers .
The patient is constantly monitored (filling pulse , blood pressure and oxygen saturation and beats per minute) , and monitored by the anesthetist while the dentist practices his work . Usually the patient after surgery has no memories regarding the dental intervention , thus frustration or disgust / discomfort is avoided going to the dentist .