Importance of salivary PH
Relationship between PH salivary and peptic ulcer. Relationship between salivary pH and osteoporosis. Relationship between acidity and aging.
The two mouth diseases with more incidences in the population are caries and periodontal disease the two of them are originate from the bacterium plaque.
The plaque is composed by different types of bacterium. We all know that these bacterium can creates a real problems for the teeth and the periodontium generating mouth acidity.
When the saliva PH decreases, ( should be between 7 to 7.4), and stays low in time, it began to show the symptoms such as cavities, gingival rescission, milolisis, demineralization in the neck of the tooth and white spots in the enamel.
Many studies have shown, that in mouth with a lot of cavities or with periodontal disease, the salivary PH is acid.
In the saliva we have a buffers mechanism that attempts to maintain the PH between 7 and 7.4, but as we have seen, this mechanism in certain circumstances fails, mainly because:
-Disproportionate intake of food or beverages with acid PH.
-Poor oral hygiene, little control of the bacterium plaque, the presence of many caries, periodontal disease etc.
-Stress, with an imbalance of the nervous system that leads to a decrease on the salivary flow..
-Medication that reduces the salivary flow.
-Tobacco smoking.
-A combination of all above.
Recent research has revealed the presence of Helicobacter Pylori in the bacterium plaque and in the saliva.
Studies have shown that the presence of the Helicobacter Pylori is strongly associated with the development of chronic gastritis and duodenal ulcers. Their presence is a risk factor to develop gastric cancer.
It is advisable to control the plaque in patients with chronic gastritis or ulcers before starting a treatment with antibiotics.
We all agree that the acidity is not good, continuously, acids are form in our metabolism which we try to eliminate, but not always we succeed.
It is recommended to measure the PH in your mouth, so we can give advice if you needed it, in relation to:
-Natural alternatives to compensate the salivary PH.
-Information about the risk of acidity and ways of controlled it.
-Relation between acid PH and predisposition to develop tumors.
-Relation between acid PH and osteoporosis.
-Relation between oral acid PH and the predisposition to develop gastric ulcer or gastritis.
-Relation between acid PH with caries and periodontal disease.