Planning with 3D scanner

Planning with last generation high resolution and low radiation scanner.

In Clinica Dental Las Palmeras, we have made a great effort and we can say that we are now part of the small and select group of dental clinics that seeking excellence in its treatments have joined in his innovative facilities a scanner of a last generation with high resolution and low radiation.

Planning with last generation high resolution and low radiation scanner

With this new scanner we make diagnoses and planning with the most advance programs in 3D without having patients to go to a radiology centre
We can also make digital radiographs for cephalometric analysis.

Planning with last generation high resolution and low radiation scanner

In complex cases wich for different reasons the patient presents great bone loss we also conducted further planning reconstructing the maxilla of the patient with 3D printers with materials that reproduce similar bone densities obtaining information that until recently was unthinkable.

Planning with last generation high resolution and low radiation scanner